The One Secret HR Professionals Are Using to Empower Employees

Empowerment. It’s the fuel that drives employees to be happier, more productive and more beneficial to your bottom line. While HR professionals work hard to foster this crucial attribute in a company’s workforce, the most successful among them are working smarter to...

Big Data Means Big Opportunities for HR Professionals.

In modern times, data is as widely abundant as daylight. The whole world now fits in a pocket device, and entire seas of information can flood your screen by tapping your finger or clicking a mouse. But like anything else that has a surplus of itself, information can...

HCM Software: Big Solutions come from Small Companies.

To get the job done, sometimes you need a SEAL team instead of an army. It’s no different for HR professionals. There’s the dated approach that involves working with behemoth companies who provide cookie-cutter solutions in Human Capital Management software. As...